We switched to a new web hosting company just before the Christmas break and after a few small transfer problems the website seems to be running nicely. The move was really forced on us because the previous web server had become so slow that main Plant Base installation download was taking up to 5 hours. Thankfully everything is much quicker now – the install download is back to just a few minutes on a good broadband connection and the online database is much faster too.
The new hosting company is Farbyte.com who are clearly a much smaller operation, but in the last month or so have provided a pretty good service. Their support guys are really responsive and helpful – a big change from the last lot. The servers are also running more up to date versions of all the software.
With better web hosting it was also the right time to look at putting up a blog. I’ve often been told that it would be a good idea for the site, but never quite got around to it somehow.
Well here it is!